notes/Anki Build

# Anki Build Notes

These notes are based on dev work/experimentation that I did on 2021-12-12.  Note that this development work was all done on a Mac.  See [this page]( from the Anki documentation for their description of the Anki build process.

## Build Steps for Anki

  git clone
  cd anki
  brew unlink bazel   # conflicts with bazelisk
  brew install bazelisk

To build and launch Anki (this takes a while):


## Running Anki Tests

To run tests in a directory:

  cd pylib/tests
  bazel test //...

To run a specific test, e.g., test_schedv2 (the main Anki scheduling test):

  cd anki
  PYTEST=test_schedv2 bazel run //pylib:pytest

## Debugging Anki Code

To print out an object from Python:

  from pprint import pprint
